The Hull Foundation’s
Sight Loss
Monthly News
publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Hull Foundation and
Learning Center Inc. It is not an endorsement of any of its contents.
All products, items and other information may be used at the sole
discretion of the reader.”
Editors, Hull Foundation Staff
Meet Our Sight Loss Instructors …p. 4
Reading in the Dark Book Club …p. 16
Hull Foundation Presents March Zoom Meetings
…p. 18
Failure is the Learning Curve of Life …p. 34
Living with Sight Loss Seminar …p. 37
Jokes to Keep Us Laughing …p. 42 Contact Us
Information …p 43
Our Mission Statement:
The mission of the Hull Foundation and Learning Center is to
provide programs, facilities and services including social, educational,
and recreational activities for people with blindness and sight

*If you would prefer to receive this newsletter by email, or
to unsubscribe, please call the Hull Foundation at 503.668.6195 or send
an email to:
Meet Our Sight Loss Instructors
Hull Foundation and Learning Center has been experiencing exciting
changes over the past three years. One of those changes is having the
opportunity to host virtual workshops facilitated by our knowledgeable
sight loss instructors. As a result, we decided that introductions are
in order. We will feature more instructors in next month’s newsletter,
so be on the lookout.
Marja Byers-Sight Loss Instructor
Q: Could you share your personal sight loss journey?
A: I was born legally blind, but with correction I was low vision as
a child and teen and was told that I would be a blind adult. I became
blind at 23, but after two eye surgeries I was able to see 20/20 for the
first time. At 54, I became blind again, with a field of vision at 20
degrees but with good acuity. I now have a very small field of vision
(maybe 5 degrees), with less acuity than I have had. I will always be
grateful for the time that I have had good acuity.
Q What is a piece of advice you’d like to share with anyone who has
experiencing sight loss or to a family member?
A: If you can find commonality and humor it makes people feel okay to
talk about your sight loss.
Q Here’s a fun get-to-know you question. What song did you listen to
as a teenager that you still listen to when no one is around?
A: Glen Miller’s String of Pearls. Big band music.
Our newest Sight Loss Instructor:
Laura Caparosso
Q: Could you tell us about your sight loss journey?
A: I was born with acute glaucoma. My mom noticed that there was
something wrong with my sight at six months. She took me to the doctor
and that’s when we found out what I had. After that I had surgeries to
control the pressure in my eyes. I took eye drops. I had enough sight to
see colors and faces until I was seven. My sight deteriorated very
quickly and since then I’ve been completely blind.
Q: What wisdom would you like to share for anyone experiencing sight
A: Have perseverance and never lose hope to do things. Even though
things aren’t the same and there are challenges compared to sighted
friends, nonetheless be happy and proud of who you are.
Q: What is your most memorable trip and why?
A: My most memorable trip was traveling across Europe on a tandem
bicycle. I met many people from different countries who were all very
hospitable and warm. They invited us to their homes and approached us in
public and were always so kind.
Next Meet:
Teresa Christian
Q: Can you share your sight loss journey?
A: At 17 months my parents thought I might have something wrong with
my sight when I was standing on my mother’s lap in church and attempting
to find the hairpins in her hair. Fast forward to the end of 1st grade
and during a doctor’s appointment they discovered that I was
experiencing a retinal detachment. I was quickly transported to the
hospital and the next morning I had the first of four eye surgeries.
They gave me glasses. I still have them. When I was eight, I had enough
vision in one eye to read large print. Then gradually my eyesight
diminished. In seventh grade I realized I had no light perception in
either eye.
Q: What bit of advice would you like to share with anyone
experiencing sight loss?
A: Stay open to learning new things and learning new ways of doing
them. Stay open to having adventures.
Q: What planet would you like to visit real or imagined, and why?
A: Pern because there are dragons there who can communicate
telepathically with their humans.
Next meet our Spanish Translator:
Jael Espinal
Q: What is your sight loss story?
I started walking at a year and a half. My parents noticed that I was
running into objects that I should have been able to see. My father took
me to eye doctors and then specialists to find a cure for my diagnosed
Retinitis Pigmentosa. Long story short, when I was 12, I learned from a
wonderful eye doctor that I didn’t have RP, but Lebers Congenital
Amaurosis. I had very usable vision until my mid-20’s after which my
vision underwent a deterioration that increased as time went on. I am
now completely blind with light sensitivity.
Q: What advice or bit of wisdom can you share for those who are
experiencing sight loss?
A: Give yourself time to grieve. Your sight is something that is or
was a part of you and you must give yourself the time and space to
accept that it’s gone. After you grieve, find humor and opportunities to
Q: Have you ever done any extreme sports like skydiving or bungee
A: Not those specifically. In my late teens and early 20’s I did a
lot of heights challenges. Crossing over catwalks made of sturdy thin
materials that were over 50 feet high, climbing modified helicopter
ladders, and other activities that help me remember why I have aches and
Tip of the Month: Money-We all Like it!
Paper money in the United States currently does not have any form of
distinguishable tactile marking to accommodate those with sight loss.
So, of course, the blind community has come up with several different
systems to keep track of and organize money. First, find someone you
trust, which could be your cell phone, if you can’t trust your pesky
sibling. Your mobile phone can tell you what each dollar bill is, in
order to begin organizing.
The most common method to organize money is folding each paper bill
differently. There is no rule about which should be folded; you get to
decide what works best. For example:
• $1 bills are kept unfolded
• $5 bills are folded in half crosswise
• $10 bills are folded in fourths
• $20 bills are folded in thirds
• $50 bills are “your choice”
Another way is to use special wallets that have separate compartments
for each denomination. The $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 bills now include
numbers in larger print. This, along with magnifying software or
devices, can help people who are sight impaired read and identify paper
money more easily.
Many assistive technology devices and mobile apps help people
identify money. These will tell the user – either verbally or through
tones or vibrations – the denomination of each bill. The U.S. Bureau of
Engraving and Printing (BEP) developed two mobile applications for this
purpose. The EyeNote® is compatible with Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPod,
while the IDEAL Currency Identifier was designed for the Android
platform. Coins can be identified by touch. Each coin is a different
size, and the edges are either smooth or ridged. Nickels and pennies
have smooth edges; the nickel is thicker and larger than the penny.
Dimes and quarters both have ridged edges, and the quarter is thicker
and larger than the dime.
The iBill Talking Banknote Identifier, is a handheld device which
people throughout the United States can receive free of charge. The
following link is how to obtain the mobile applications and iBill
Talking Banknote Identifier:
There are many more options available for identifying paper money and
we hope to have a Zoom workshop that can highlight other apps and
solutions soon. At least this will get you started!
Gadget of the Month – Way Tag Audio Labels
Audio Labels for the Blind: There’s a WayTag for
Did you know that there are seven different types of WayTag products
(by WayAround) that work as audio labels for the blind? These handy
little tags that work with your mobile device are so much more than just
audio labels. There is a tag that can be attached to just about any item
to make it permanently accessible for anyone who is blind or visually
The Way Tags are talking tags you can use to label clothing (and so
much more) that can go through the wash! If this has piqued your
interest to learn more about the tags you can find a great descriptive
video for more in-depth information at
There are many more options to assist with identifying things in the
kitchen, garden and more. Stay tuned for a zoom workshop specific to
identify common items!
# “Reading in the Dark” Book Club
Hull Foundation
and Learning Center Book Club
When: Tuesday March 8th and 22nd, 2022 at
In February we read “Prairie Fires” by Caroline Fraser
Caroline Fraser’s Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura
Ingalls Wilder is a biography of American author Laura Ingalls
Wilder, best known for her Little House on the Prairie series.
Our next book we will be reading in March is “Artic Dreams” by Barry
Lopez DB23024
Arctic Dreams is a travel memoir and nature
writing by Barry Lopez. In the book, he recounts his
experiences traveling in Alaska for four years. He hunts with Eskimos,
accompanies scientists on field expeditions, and makes his own trips to
study the wildlife of the Arctic. Join us for a fun hour of
discussion and comradery! Come prepared with ideas for our next
Hull Foundation Presents
Zoom Meetings
Our March Zoom meetings have something for everyone and are
full of interesting topics that can assist you in your everyday life.
Bring a friend or spouse! Sighted or not!! If you would like to sign up
to receive a weekly email with the Zoom schedule for the week and the
links to the meetings, please email the office at or
call us at 503-668-6195. If you are not an email user, then you can call
us on Mondays to receive the call-in number and Meeting ID number for
meetings you are interested in attending via phone.
March Zoom Schedule WEEK 1
3/1/22, Tuesday 7-8pm (Hull & ACB)
The Chat Café with Teresa and Carrie
Description: Pull up a chair; grab a mug; and sit by the fire. Chat
about anything and everything. Sponsored by the Hull Foundation &
ACB of Oregon
3/2/22, Wednesday 10-11am (Hull & ACB)
iPhones, Androids, and Tablets Q & A with Marty and Michael
Description: You’ve got questions, they most likely have answers.
3/2/22, Wednesday 1-2pm (Hull & ACB)
Group Chat: Sight & Hearing Loss with Jael
Description: Positive place where those of us who are visually
or blind and hard of hearing are welcome to share and learn from each
other. Family members or friends are also welcome.
3/3/22, Thursday 1-2pm (Hull & ACB)
Basics of Hand Sewing Part 1
Description: Desirée will be sharing modern, historic and blind
friendly tools, tips and tricks to make hand sewing a less daunting
experience when tackling hems or mending a favored shirt. A list of
tools will be given so you can join her for Part 2 which will be a sew
along project. Men are welcome.
3/3/22, Thursday 6:30-7:30pm
Chat with a Board Member
Description: Provide Feedback & get your questions answered with
E.G. White-swift
3/4/22, Friday 7-8pm
First Friday with Friends and Family
for Friends and Family of people experiencing sight loss with Carrie
and Marja
Description: Please join us for our first call that will focus on our
loved ones who are taking his sight loss journey all by with us.
3/8/22, Tuesday 10-11am
Reading in the Dark Book Club with Marja and Monica
Description: Come share with a group of diverse people what you are
currently reading and find your next good read!
3/8/22, Tuesday 1-2pm (Hull & ACB)
Windows Q&A with Michael
Description: Have questions about Windows or a screen reader that
runs on windows? If Michael doesn’t know he will help you find out.
3/9/22, Wednesday 1-2pm
How are you Doing and How are you Dealing? With Marja
Description: Going through sight loss has a huge learning curve,
you’re not alone. Join Marja and the gang to chat about the ups and
downs and ways around.
3/10/22 Thursday 10-11am (Hull & ACB)
Running a Hardware Store…Blind with Deb Marinos
Description: How did she do it? How can you apply those skills to
your life, your own ambitions, or your own dreams?
3/10/22, Thursday 1-2pm
Traveling Within Your Local Area with MaryLee Turner
Description: Learn tips and tricks for getting around in your
3/10/22, Thursday 7-8pm (Hull & ACB)
The Art and Science of Riding Your Elephant with Peter Altschul
Description: Come join author, Peter Altschul as he explores ways to
harness feelings to strengthen relationships and work toward
accomplishing great things. Based on his book “Riding Elephants.”
3/15/22, Tuesday 1-2pm
Group Chat: Cabin Fever with Jael
Description: Winter can feel long dark. It can affect us mentally and
physically. With Spring coming it can be difficult to get out of
hibernation. Let’s share ideas on how to better take control of our
Cabin Fever, as well as ways to get out of our long hibernation.
3/15/22, Tuesday 7-8pm (Hull & ACB)
The Chat Cafe with Teresa and Carrie
Description: Pull up a chair; grab a mug; and sit by the fire. Chat
about anything and everything. Sponsored by the Hull Foundation &
ACB of Oregon.
3/16/22, Wednesday 10-11am (Hull & ACB)
iPhones, Androids and Tablets Q&A with Marty and Michael
Description: You’ve got questions, they most likely have answers.
3/16/22, Wednesday 1-2pm (Hull & ACB)
Group Chat: Who is Your Favorite Narrator & Why? With Jael
Description: When we listen to books, we develop a special connection
with a single or several narrators and they become our favorites. This
will be a positive and lively place where we can share who they are and
3/17/22, Thursday 1-2pm (Hull & ACB)
St. Patrick’s Day with Teresa
Description: Join the party as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with
History, traditions, drinks, and trivia.
3/22/22, Tuesday 10-11am
Reading in the Dark Book Club with Monica & Marja
Description: Come share with a diverse group of people what you are
currently reading and find your next good read!
3/22/22, Tuesday 1-2pm (Hull & ACB)
Mac OS Q&A with Michael
Description: Decided to deviate from the norm and are now the owner
of a MacBook, MacBook air, or and iMac? Want perspective and support
other than on the apple accessibility line? Join Michael for an hour and
bring your questions.
3/23/22, Wednesday 6:30-8pm
How are you Doing and How are you Dealing? With Marja
Description: Going through sight loss has a huge learning curve,
you’re not alone. Join Marja and the gang to chat about the ups and
downs and ways around.
3/23/22, Wednesday 1-2pm (Hull & ACB)
Read More Books: Learn About iBooks with Jael
Description: This is a continuation of a book app series that Jael
Espinal has been presenting every month. March will feature the iBooks
app. It will focus on its features and not meant to be an instructional
3/24/22, Thursday 10-11am (Hull & ACB)
Office Organization with Deb Marinos
Description: After running a business for many years as a visually
impaired person, she will be sharing tips and tricks to get organized in
you home office.
3/24/22, Thursday 1-2pm (Hull & ACB)
Traveling to Alaska with Desirée
Description: Join Desiree when she shares her adventures dog sledding
and watching the Aurora Borealis and more, and all done solo as a
visually impaired person.
3/29/22, Tuesday 1-2pm (Hull & ACB)
Basics of Hand Sewing Part 2 with Desirée
Description: Join me for a sew along where we will create a magic
pocket that can be turned into a bag, belt pouch, or secret pocket in
your jacket.
3/29/22, Tuesday 10-11am (Hull & ACB)
De-cluttering with Teresa
Description: We’ll share ways to do this as painlessly as
3/30/22, Wednesday 1-2pm (Hull & ACB)
Presuming Competence with Jael
Description: What is presuming competence? How can you or those
around you apply it to your life as a blind or visually impaired
individual in different aspects of your life? You will get answers to
these questions and more during this workshop.
3/31/22, Thursday 10-11am (Hull & ACB)
Cabin Fever: Coping with Art with Deb Marinos
Description: Bring your crayons, your scented markers, your play
dough, your clay, even your pipe cleaners or even your theater of the
mind. Deb will guide you on a journey to a more mindful and less
stressful place of being with art.
3/31/22, Thursday 1-2pm
Traveling Outside of your local area with MaryLee
Description: You really can leave home alone. Learn how with
3/31/22, Thursday 5pm (Hull & ACB)
Blind Culture: Does it exist? If so, what is it? With Marja and
Description: We will have a safe and respectful discussion about
blind culture; does it exist, what is it, how is it different between
total and partial blindness and how are they much the same?
New Zoom Call –
By Marja Byers, Sight Loss Instructor
Hull Foundation Presents:
First Friday with Family and Friends
The Hull Foundation is adding a new monthly Zoom offering,
specifically for those who are supporting those of us living with sight
loss, our family, and friends!
Sight loss affects more than just the person losing sight, all of those
who care about us are impacted. From family members with “survival
guilt” (why her and not me?), to friends unsure of how to act as a human
guide or even what to say, to having a child who is blind, it causes
lots of different emotions that often conflict. You deserve to have a
safe place to have your voice heard or just listen to what others are
experiencing. Join Sight Loss Instructors, Marja and Carrie on Friday,
March 4 from 7:00 pm-8:00 pm (or possibly longer) for our “maiden
voyage”. We are hoping to discuss where family and friends would like
this to go, what topics would you like to hear about? Do you want topics
or general discussion? This is a great opportunity to make this what you
want it to be and hopefully help it to grow to support those who will
later walk down this path!
Failure is the Learning curve of Life
By Teresa Christian
Napoleon Hill said, “When we have a positive attitude, we will recognize
failure for the impostor that it is and realize that it is really a
learning experience, a valuable lesson that will help us succeed with
the next attempt.”
Failure is only failure when we allow it to stop us dead in our
tracks. Instead of thinking of a failure as the end of the road, explore
the idea that it is only a speed bump. Our attitude and/or our thinking
about it can make a night and day difference to how we view the
situation and sometimes the outcome as well.
First, honestly ask the question, is this something I do or do not
have control over?
If the thing that is happening is truly something we have no control
over, then the part of it that we do have control over is the way we are
thinking about it.
If it is something that we do, in fact, have control over, then ask
these questions:
What could I have done differently that would have altered the
What can I do in the future to minimize problems and mistakes?
What did I learn from this experience that I can put to good use next
“Failing” at something only means we need to reevaluate the
situation. It is an opportunity to regroup and have another go at it and
sometimes we need to have another ten or fifteen or twenty goes at
Sometimes sheer persistence will convince the Universe that we are
serious and will not stop until we have what we want and/or need. We may
need to improve the skill we already have or develop additional
we may need to come at the challenge from a different angle and think
about it in a way that might seem ridiculous, however, that ridiculous
idea very well could lead to an answer. So, take a chance and go be bold
and brave and try something new.
Living with Sight Loss Seminar April 20-22 With Covid restrictions
lifting we are gearing up for another 2-night and 3-day immersion
seminar to really concentrate on an introduction to daily living skills
for those of you new or struggling with your sight loss. The two and ½
days are filled with valuable, hands on, and life affirming, skills
specific to your sight loss. In addition, you will meet people in your
same situation and share your hopes, dreams, and sometimes nightmares
with each other. It’s not all serious business as plenty of “fun” is
thrown in, along with great food, comfortable accommodations and a tour
of our 23 acre, blind friendly park, in Sandy, OR. Call for more
information to our office at 503-668-6195.
Ushers Conference Event
We are tentatively hosting an Ushers Conference. (Date to be
determined). There will be workshops and special speakers related to the
topic of living with Sight and Hearing Loss. This event is currently
tentatively scheduled. The event will go forth based on interest and
number of registrations. If you would be interested in such an event,
please contact the Hull Foundation and Learning Center office at
503-668-6195 or by email at to reserve your spot and receive a
Upcoming Events
2022 will be an exciting and fun-filled year for our events! If you
are interested in any of our recreational Getaway events and Retreats,
please contact our office and get signed up! The spots can fill up very
quickly, so jump in with both feet and save your spot and come out to
Hull Park in 2022!
Moderate Adventure Retreat- Aug. 10-16, 2022
During this retreat, activities may include white water rafting,
kayaking, hiking, winery tours, visiting local tourist sights, live
action plays, and more!
High Adventure Retreat- Aug. 24-30, 2022
This retreat is designed to give guests opportunities to stretch
themselves! Activities may include white water rafting, hiking in the
Mt. Hood National Forest, various water sports, challenge courses,
horseback riding, and much more!
Monster Mash Getaway- October 24-27, 2022
Come get spooky with us for a seasonal favorite Getaway! We will have
theme-based games, movie night, a trip to a local farm for hayrides,
corn maze and pumpkin patch, a costume contest, and do the monster mash
at the dance!
Winter Holiday Getaway- December 13-16, 2022
Come Deck the Halls with your friends and the Hull Park staff for
this festive event! We will have holiday-themed games, treats, crafts,
and on the final night a holiday banquet and live music which is open to
friends and family.
Registrations are now available for these events! It is never too
early to sign up as spots fill up very quickly. Please email the office
at or call at 503-668-6195 for more
information and to request a registration form.
Jokes to Keep you Laughing…or Groaning!
- How do you know if an Irishman is having fun?
- He’s Dublin over with laughter!
Q. Why did St. Patrick drive the snakes out of Ireland?
A. Because he couldn’t afford a plane ticket.Q. Do people get jealous of the Irish? A. Yes, they’re green
with envy!Q. What’s Irish and stays out all night? A. Paddy
Q. What is a huge Irish spider called? A. Paddy Long
Q. What does it mean if you find a horseshoe in Ireland?
A. Some horse lost its shoe!
Stay well, stay safe, and stay happy!
The Hull Foundation Family
Phone: 503-668-6195
Visit us on Facebook at:¬if_t=page_user_activity&ref=notif
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