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Sight Loss Monthly September 2021

September 2021    The Hull Foundation’s              Sight Loss            Monthly News 503-668-6195 “The publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Hull Foundation and Learning Center and is not an endorsement of any of its contents.   All products, items and other information may be used at the sole discretion of the reader.” Editors, Hull … Continue Reading

Sight Loss Monthly August 2021

August 2021                                The Hull Foundation’s              “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. – Helen Keller Sight Loss            Monthly News 503-668-6195 “The publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Hull Foundation and Learning Center and is not an endorsement of any of its contents.   … Continue Reading

Sight Loss Monthly July 2021

Like the high white clouds in the summer sky we are always becoming – Peter Galen Massey July 2021                                             The Hull Foundation’s              Sight Loss            Monthly News 503-668-6195 “The publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Hull Foundation and Learning Center and is not an endorsement of any of its contents.   All … Continue Reading

Sight Loss Monthly June 2021

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow – Helen Keller June, 2021                                          The Hull Foundation’s              Sight Loss            Monthly News 503-668-6195 “The publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Hull Foundation and Learning Center and is not an endorsement of any of its contents.   All products, items … Continue Reading

Sight Loss Monthly May 2021

May, 2021 The Hull Foundation’s                                                          May your life be like a wildflower, growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day.  Native American Proverb Sight Loss         Monthly News 503-668-6195 “The publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Oral Hull Foundation for the Blind and is not an endorsement of any of its … Continue Reading

Sight Loss Monthly April 2021

A Flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it, it just Blooms!     – Zen Shin April, 2021 The Hull Foundation’s                                                          Sight Loss         Monthly News 503-668-6195 “The publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Oral Hull Foundation for the Blind and is not an endorsement of any of its contents.   … Continue Reading

Sight Loss Monthly March 2021

‘ March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day! The shamrock as a symbol of Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day is partly due to the natural abundance of clover plants in the country, but largely due to its strong association with Christianity. Legend says that St. Patrick used the shamrock to visually illustrate the concept of the … Continue Reading

Sight Loss Monthly February 2021

 February, 2021 The Hull Foundation’s February 2nd is Groundhog Day. Picture is of a groundhog which is about the size of a cat, medium brown short, soft fur, barely discernible ears, short stub of a tail, elongated face with a flat nose and dark eyes.  The story is that groundhogs normally hibernate during winter and if they come … Continue Reading

Sight Loss Monthly January 2021

January 2021 The Hull Foundation’s Picture is last February’s Hull Park guests snowshoeing on Mt. Hood.  7 Sight Loss people in a line, with winter clothing, snowshoes, trekking poles in each hand, in the snow.  Lots of snow laden trees in the background and several feet of snow on the ground. Sight Loss Monthly News … Continue Reading

Sight Loss Monthly December 2020

December 2020 The Hull Foundation’s Picture says Peace on Earth with a few sprigs of holly in the background.Sight Loss Monthly News 503-668-6195 “The publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Oral Hull Foundation for the Blind and is not an endorsement of any of its contents.   All products, items and other information may be … Continue Reading

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