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Sight Loss Monthly Newsletter May 2024

May 2024

gThe Hull Foundation

Monthly Sight Loss News


Serving the Low vision and Blind Community since 1962


PH: 503.668.6195


“The publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Hull Foundation and Learning Center Inc. It is not an endorsement of any of its contents. All products, items and other information may be used at the sole discretion of the reader.”

Edited by Hull Foundation Staff


Mission Statement …p. 3

Let’s have an Adventure…p. 4

Reading in the Dark Book Club…p. 7

Hearing Loss Tip of the Month…p. 11

My Left Hand Man…p. 12

Health tip: Protein for Breakfast…p.16

Recipe of the Month…p. 17

PFBC 2024 Scholarship Program…p. 22

Poem – Rain in May…p. 23

Annual Tea Fundraiser Flier…p. 25

Hull Foundation Events and Seminars…p. 27

Hull Foundation Presents Zoom Meetings…p. 30

Did you Know…p. 31

Jokes to Keep you Laughing …p.32

Contact Us…p. 33



Our Mission Statement:

The mission of the Hull Foundation and Learning Center is to provide programs, facilities and services including social, educational, and recreational activities for people with blindness and sight loss.


*If you would prefer to receive this newsletter by email, or to unsubscribe, please call the Hull Foundation at 503.668.6195 or send an email to:


Let’s Have an Adventure

Curiosity and Results: What’s the Connection?

Part two of two

By Teresa Christian, Sight Loss Instructor


The back end of being curious and the willingness to have an adventure can look like failure. However, “failure” is the Learning Curve of Life Napoleon Hill said, “When we have a positive attitude, we will recognize failure for the impostor that it is and realize that it is really a learning experience, a valuable lesson that will help us succeed with the next attempt.”

Failure is only failure when we allow it to stop us dead in our tracks. Instead of thinking of failure as the end of the road, explore the idea that it is



only a speed bump. Our attitude and/or our thinking about it can make a night and day difference to how we view the situation and sometimes the outcome as well.

First, honestly ask the question, is this something I do or do not have control over?

If the thing that is happening is truly something we have no control over, then the part of it that we do have control over is the way we are thinking about it.

If it is something that we do, in fact, have control over, then ask these questions:

What could I have done differently that would have altered the outcome?

What can I do in the future to minimize problems and mistakes?

What did I learn from this experience that I can put to good use next time?


“Failing” at something only means we need to reevaluate the situation. It is an opportunity to regroup and have another go at it and sometimes we need to have another ten or fifteen or twenty goes at it.

Sometimes sheer persistence will convince the Universe that we are serious and will not stop until we have what we want and/or need.

We may need to improve the skills we already have or develop additional ones.

We may need to come at the challenge from a different angle and think about it in a way that might seem ridiculous, however, that ridiculous idea very well could lead to an answer. So, take a chance and go be bold and brave and try something new.

If you truly want to expand your world with excitement, joy and fulfillment and relationships,


sprinkle liberal doses of curiosity and watch your life become the fabulous adventure it can be!

Stay curious and let the adventure begin!





Reading in the Dark Book Club

By Marja Byers, SLI


Come one, come all to RITD book club! We don’t care if you’ve read the book or not, if it sounds like an interesting discussion please join us.





We started April with “Thinking in Pictures” by Temple Grandin, DB119637. This is about Temple’s experiences as an autistic woman, some of us found it too technical but, interestingly those of us who are more visual thinkers seemed to like it more. It’s been thirty years since I first read it and some things in the world of autism have really changed and much hasn’t.

Our second book was “Tell the Wolves I’m Home” by Carol Rifka Brunt, DBC00242. It’s a story of a 14-year-old girl whose uncle died of

AIDS in the 1980’s, and the subsequent friendship that she develops with his boyfriend.

This month we will be reading~

“Giants in the Earth: a saga of the prairie” by O.E. Rolvaag (Ole Edvart), DB22285, 15:56. The setting is South Dakota.


5/14 You should have plenty of time to read this one, it’s just under 16 hours long but the book club doesn’t meet until the 14th!

“The story follows Per Hansa, a Norwegian immigrant, and his family as they endure the harsh challenges of pioneering life. Facing the unforgiving landscape and the isolation of the prairie, the characters grapple with the forces of nature and their own inner struggles.”


5/28 “Good Night, Irene” by Luis Alberto Urrea, DB114929,13:29. As I was checking my information while writing this, I discovered that, once again there is more than one book by this title, just so you’re aware! Here’s a summary.

“Good Night, Irene” is a historical fiction novel that follows the experiences of Red Cross volunteers Irene Woodward, and Dorothy


Dunford, who operate a Clubmobile to provide coffee, donuts, and companionship to American troops on the front lines during World War II. Urrea researched the subject of the Clubmobile Service because his mother was one of the women who served in these trucks. The novel addresses issues of trauma and mental health in war time and explores the female friendships of the so-called “Donut Dollies” who risked their lives to operate the Clubmobiles and boost soldiers’ morale.”

We hope to see you in May!









Hearing Loss Tip of the Month

By Meagan Moore, BSN, RN


Do you ever feel self-conscious about your hearing aids? Or cochlear implants? Do you try hard to cover them up with your hair or hat? Most of us have. We feel vulnerable when everyone can spot our devices. Instead of worrying about what people are thinking or how they will respond, try to take advantage of this moment. Just be who you are and continue your day as if no one is watching. Maybe you will be more confident and maybe someone who is watching is feeling encouraged because they see someone else proudly displaying their hearing devices. Curious onlookers may be feeling ready to wear their hearing devices or go to a follow up audiology appointment after watching you play with your grandkids, or like me, being a proud mom watching her kid’s performance. Instead of feeling insecure and

different, feel empowered. You could be making a difference for someone else.


My Left-Hand Man

By Marja Byers, SLI


On April 12th I did one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life, I had to say goodbye and happy retirement to my first guide dog, Fritz. He is a 75-pound yellow lab who recently turned 8 but has developed issues that prohibit him from working safely as a guide. He is returning to his puppy raisers (he’s the first puppy that they raised for Guide Dogs for the Blind) in another state where he’ll be able to be a classroom therapy dog, a great place for him as he just adores kids!

Working with a guide dog is a serious lifestyle choice, your dog is your first priority, in turn they help keep you safe and looking good in the



public eye. I’ve never had to clean up after my white cane and my cane never urinated on the

floor at the post office. On the other hand (and always on the left), they make us look like mobility experts by finding doors, seats, elevators and avoiding things, Fritz has done so much more than that, I think they all do.

He has the ability to make people’s day better, just by smiling and wagging his tail. A sighted friend once said, “I love it when Fritz says ‘hi’ to me, it makes me feel like I’m someone special!” The last day he worked, seven staff members at the Safeway we shop at stopped to say hi to him,

he’d been in foster care, and they had missed him. He makes the most of everyone’s day when we go to doctor’s appointments, restaurants and shops, and shows people how a true service dog behaves when they’re working.




Fritz has always known who needs support, whether it’s an emotional or physical need. He has alerted friends having medical issues and he tried very hard to heal my broken fibula by licking it. He even let me know when a friend passed away in another city, a few minutes after he died.

Fritz’s entertainment value is also very high. My adult autistic son lived with us for a while, we both loved Fritz’s nightly “doggy dinner dance” that he did from the time his puppy raisers got him at 8-weeks old. We loved his cartoon

sleeping noises, especially when he sounded just like the Cadbury Easter bunny clucking away in his sleep (I love lab jowls).

One of my favorite moments was when he was sitting on our hardwood floor and passed gas, I

have to admit, it was rather loud. It startled him so much that he jumped up and kept looking around trying to figure it out, I laughed so hard!



What I’ll miss the most is the way he looked at me, with such love and devotion, and the way that he would spoon with me when he knew I wasn’t okay.

I wish for everyone to be able to experience the bond of love and trust that I’ve had with my left-hand man, I sure miss him.














Health Tip: Protein for Breakfast 

-Lyn Lindbergh, Life Coach

Your plate: The basics.

We aren’t doing a fad diet, and we aren’t cutting out food groups. It’s tempting to chase the next shiny diet fad, but we aren’t going to do that. Creating a balanced nutritional plate according to guidelines involve envisioning your plate divided into these sections. Aim for half your plate to be filled with fruits and vegetables, primarily vegetables. Then fill a quarter of your plate with starch or whole grains. The final remaining quarter should be filled with lean protein sources.  Include a serving of dairy, such as milk or yogurt, on the side and you’re good to go! Did you know Couch to Active specializes in providing exercise and nutrition support that is fully accessible? Learn more at


Chicken Waldorf Salad with Yogurt Dressing & Romaine Lettuce

Serves 2



2 sticks celery

½ lb chicken breasts, boneless skinless or a rotisserie chicken from the deli

½ small pkg chives or the green or hollow ends of green onions or scalions

1 Gala apple or other favorite apple

½ lemon or about 1 tbsp of lemon juice

¼ cup plain Greek yogurt

¼ lb red grapes, apple or a handful of craisins

½ head romaine lettuce or prewashed and packaged salad greens of your choice. If you like ice burg than use it!


½ cup walnuts

¼ tsp Dijon mustard

½ tsp honey

1/8 tsp black pepper

1/8 tsp salt

½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil (for cooking chicken)




  1. Place chicken in a small saucepan. Season with salt and pepper. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until chicken is cooked through, 8-12 minutes. Remove from liquid and place on a plate. Skip to step 2 if you have a rotisserie chicken from your deli.

Ingredients for step 1:

½ lb chicken breasts, boneless skinless


⅛ tsp salt


⅛ tsp black pepper


  1. In a medium bowl, prepare dressing by whisking together yogurt, lemon juice, honey, mustard, salt, and pepper.

Ingredients for step 2:

¼ cup plain Greek yogurt

juice of ½ lemon

½ tsp honey

¼ tsp Dijon mustard

⅛ tsp salt

⅛ tsp black pepper


  1. Heat a skillet over medium heat.



  1. Roughly chop walnuts.

Ingredient for step 4:

½ cup walnuts


  1. Coat bottom of skillet with oil. Add walnuts and, stirring constantly, toast until golden brown, 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat to cool.

Ingredient for step 5:

½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil


  1. Wash apple, celery, grapes, and chives. Core, medium dice, and add apple to bowl with dressing. Trim ends, medium dice, and add celery to bowl. Halve grapes and add to bowl. Chop chives and add to bowl.

Ingredients for step 6:

1 Gala apple

2 sticks celery


¼ lb red grapes

½ small pkg chives


  1. Wash and dry lettuce. Chop crosswise into 1 inch strips.


Ingredient for step 7:

½ head romaine lettuce


  1. Pat dry the chicken with paper towels, medium dice or shred with your fingers, and add to bowl. Toss salad until well combined.


  1. To serve, arrange a bed of lettuce leaves on a plate and top with salad. Enjoy!








The Pacific Foundation for Blind Children is accepting applications for the Scholarship Program 2024. A minimum of FOUR (4) $1,500 scholarships will be awarded to outstanding blind/low vision students in the Pacific Northwest (defined as the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho). These scholarships will be awarded directly to the selected applicants and the funds may be used for expenses at their discretion.

Deadline for applications is June 30, 2024.



If you have any questions, please contact JaReda Webb, Executive Director, Pacific Foundation for Blind Children, at



Rain in May – Poem


Plip Plip Plip

The grey day sound

on the roof

Ploop Ploop Ploop

The grey day sound

on the ground below

Ting Ting Ting

The grey day sound

against the window

Shh Shh Shh

The grey day sound

tells April to scoot

Plinkity plink plink



The grey day sound

Announces May

And she’ll never

Go away




Picture Description: A group of art supplies.

Arts and Hobbies May 22nd – May 24th.

Picture Description: Decorative Flyer for Annual Tea Fundraiser on July 20th.




Tea Party at Hull Park Fundraiser!

July 20th, 2024, 1pm—4pm

Hosted by The Hull Foundation and Learning Center


Come and enjoy our beautiful 1/2 acre of manicured gardens at Oral Hull Park, 43233 SE Oral Hull Rd Sandy, OR, 97055.  Our event will feature a variety of teas and mouth-watering scones, savories, and sweets!  Wear your best “tea party hat”!  Great prizes for the fanciest hat, the funniest hat, and the hat with the most flowers! 

Silent Auction, Raffle Items!
Tickets $25 each or 2 for $45
Kids 10-18 $10.00     Ages 5– 9 $5.00
4 and under – Free

Please call 503-668-6195 for tickets or paypal on Non-Profit 501( c )(3) EIN# 93-6032742


Hull Foundation Upcoming Events and Seminars:


May 23rd One Day Fun Day- Art at the Park


May 22nd – 24th Arts and Hobbies Seminar: Currently open to more guests


May 27th Office closed in observance of Memorial Day


June 1st – August 31st Summer Raffle Fundraiser


June 3rd – 9th Friends and alumni Retreat: This Retreat is currently open for more guests.


June 25th One Day Fun Day – Rose Garden


June 25th Partners One Day Fun Day – Rose Garden




July 4-5th Office closed in observance of Independence Day


July 16th One Day Fun Day – Pool & BBQ

Partners Included


July 20th Annual Tea Fundraiser


August 19th-25th Summer Adventure Retreat: Retreat is currently full.


August 26th – 27th Office Closed.


If you are interested in any of our social getaways, one day fun days, seminars, and recreational retreats, please contact our office to get signed up! Spots fill up very quickly, so jump in with both feet, save your spot and come out to Hull Park!








Picture Description: Lake Oswego and Sandy Lions members standing next to a New Oral Hull Park sign on Lions Workday.

If you would like to volunteer as staff or sponsor an event, please contact the office at 503.668.6195.

Hull Foundation Presents Zoom Meetings:

Current zoom meetings will include topics on tech, cooking, crafting, book club, supporting loved ones of people with low vision or blindness and a class on forgetfulness that has been a favorite. Bring a friend or spouse, sighted or not!! If you would like to sign up to receive a weekly email with the weekly zoom schedule and links to the meetings, please email the office at or call us at 503-668-6195. If you are not an email user, then you can call us on Mondays to receive that week’s classes and the call-in number and meeting ID number for meetings you are interested in attending via phone.



Did you know?…


Braille Institute has an Event page on their website:


Research Study at Oregon State University titled “Additional Considerations for Making Automated Driving System (ADS) Vehicles Accessible for All Road Users.”


Seeking Paid Volunteers for Research Study

If you are interested in participating, please contact Lena, please call or text her number 803-457-6630.

Jokes to Keep you Laughing…or Groaning!


  1. What do sprinters eat before a race?
  2. Nothing. They fast!



  1. Why couldn’t the sunflower ride its bike?
  2. It lost its petals.



  1. What did the duck say after she bought


  1. Put it on my bill.



Stay well, stay safe, and stay happy!



We would like to send our Condolences to Jim Miller’s Family. Jim was a past board member here at the Hull Learning Center for 2 years. Jim had the foundation close to his heart, and we are thankful for his time, donations, welding art sculptures, and volunteering at Oral Hull Park representing the Portland Oaks Bottom Lions Club.

Contact Us:      

The Hull Foundation and Learning Center
Phone:  503-668-6195  



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