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Sight Loss Monthly April 2023

f# A field of colorful flowers Description automatically generated. April 2023

The Hull Foundations

Monthly Sight Loss News

“The publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Hull Foundation and Learning Center Inc. It is not an endorsement of any of its contents. All products, items and other information may be used at the sole discretion of the reader.”




Editors, Hull Foundation Staff


Mission Statement …p. 3

New Membership Prices …p. 4

Persistence, Be a Dog with a Bone …p. 5

Imposter Syndrome, Does This Sound

Familiar?…p. 6

RITD: Hull Foundation Book Club…p. 11

Review: Dakota Disc for Snow & Ice…p. 14

Growing A Salad Bowl Garden:

Learn How to Grow Greens in a Pot…p. 24

Recipe of the Month…p. 29

Membership Zoom Meeting…p. 32

Upcoming Events…p. 33

Zoom Meetings…p. 34

Jokes to Keep You Laughing… p. 40 Contact Us…p. 42


Our Mission Statement:

The mission of the Hull Foundation and Learning Center is to provide programs, facilities and services including social, educational, and recreational activities for people with blindness and sight loss.

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low confidencef

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generated*If you would prefer to receive this newsletter by email, or to unsubscribe, please call the Hull Foundation at 503.668.6195 or send an email to:

New Membership Prices

2023 new prices for membership. See below for the updated Membership prices!

$50 for single annual

$500 for single lifetime

$85 for couples annual

$850 for couple lifetime

$110 for family (3 or more) annual

$950 for family lifetime

$200 for clubs (service, fraternal, social, all non-profits)

$1200 for clubs lifetime

$225 for businesses annual

$1300 for businesses lifetime

Please call the office for a membership application.

Persistence, Be a Dog with a Bone

Teresa Christian, Sight Loss Instructor and Life Coach

It is hard to be persistent when you run into a wall. So, then what? Here’s what you do: step back, rub your head because after hitting the brick wall it will hurt some. Shake your head, and look up and down, and left and right. Then tap every brick to find the magic one that opens the wall. Think outside the box and be open to a different solution than what you were expecting. Above all else, do not stop playing with it until you get what you’re after.

Don’t give up; be as persistent as a dog with a bone or drops of water.

“Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.”


Imposter Syndrome: Does this sound familiar?

  • Marja Byers, Sight Loss Instructor

I recently heard a friend who has sensory loss (sight and hearing) use this term after getting a well-deserved job, they are very qualified! “I’m feeling imposter syndrome right now,” I was unfamiliar with the term, but I instantly knew what she meant. The feeling of not being worthy, the fear that others will find out you’re a fraud, or the fear of letting people down because of what you perceive as your inadequacies. I am personally very familiar with these feelings but, in the research that I’ve done there is a form of this psychological condition that I’ve not seen mentioned. I have seen it in people that are newly diagnosed with legal blindness but still have some sight, including myself, and have heard the phrase, “I don’t really deserve/need help, there are so many others who need it more than I do.” I said it to my rehabilitation counselor regarding services and tools that I needed to go back to work, and again when I applied for a guide dog (I’m sure there are a lot more people who need a dog more than I do).

When we first hear we are legally blind if we feel we have usable sight, many of us feel this way. Most importantly, we tend to really underestimate how limited our sight is particularly with gradual sight loss. This can lead to dangerous thinking.

-I don’t need to use a white cane and learn mobility, I’m not that bad yet.

-I’ll be fine walking in busy traffic areas alone.

-I won’t have any problems going to that concert by myself, even though it’s at night, I’ll be fine without help.

What can make this even harder for us is having sighted people “challenge you” as a blind person. Because few sighted people understand the spectrum of blindness, I have had people who will walk straight at me, seeming to play “chicken” to see if I’ll move out of the way. I have very good central sight-with correction-but I stand my ground. Please don’t let this type of bully dissuade you and make you feel like a fake! You. Are. Blind. It’s okay to use your white cane, you are not faking it, even when you can see some things. You might not see that curb, that bench, a post, or recognize the face of someone saying “hi.”

If you’ve been given the diagnosis of legal blindness (having an acuity of 20/200 or greater-in your best eye, with the best correction, OR, having 20 degrees or less field of vision) and have these feelings reach out to others with sight loss, talk to them about how you’re feeling. Your safety may depend on it and these “imposter” feelings can add to the anxiety and depression that you are likely feeling.

I read a definition of blindness at one time that I feel holds the truest heart. “Legal blindness means having restricted enough sight making it unsafe to travel without the aid of a human guide, a white cane, or a service animal.”

The Hull Foundation has several Zoom groups that you can join in on to talk to others about how you’re feeling. If you’re not ready to talk to a group, you can call the Hull office and ask to talk with a Sight Loss Instructor one on one. We want to help you keep your hopes and dreams alive! 503–668–6195



Reading in the Dark Book Club

-Marja Byers, Sight Loss Instructor

In March we read, “Horse: a novel” by Geraldine Brooks (DB108556), and “The Bean Trees” by Barbara Kingsolver (DB27589).

In April we will be reading and talking about:

Beginning 4/11 “The Elephant Whisperer” by Lawrence Anthony, DB85906, 13 hr 9 min.

“The elephant whisperer by Lawrence Anthony with Graham Spence recounts Anthony’s struggles and successes in acclimating a traumatized group of elephants in his 5,000-acre Thula Thula game reserve in South Africa.”

When we read and discussed “It’s Okay That You’re Not Okay” we talked about how elephant herds grieve as well as some of their social norms. We thought this would be an interesting follow-up.

Beginning 4/25 “This Tender Land” by William Kent Kruger, DB102149, 14 hr 21 min.

“In the summer of 1932, on the banks of Minnesota’s Gilead River, Odie O’Banion is an orphan confined to the Lincoln Indian training school, a pitiless place where his lively nature earns him the superintendent’s wrath. Forced to flee after committing a terrible crime, he and his brother, Albert, their best friend most, and a broken-hearted little girl Emmy steal away in a canoe heading from the mighty Mississippi and a place to call their own.”

Parade magazine says, “If you liked “Where the Crawdads Sing” you’ll love “This Tender Land”.”

Book Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month from 1:00–2:30 pm PT (4:00–5:30 ET). Anyone is welcome whether you’ve read the book or not and we also welcome folks with or without sight. DB numbers are listed for those using NLS Talking Books/BARD.

We hope to have you join us!

Review of the Dakota Disk for Snow and Ice

  • Desiree Christian, Sight Loss Instructor

During the late February’s snowpocalypse here in Portland Oregon I had a chance to thoroughly try out the specialty cane tip meant for snow and ice, the Dakota Disk. The Dakota Disk is a hollow disk about 5 inches across, slightly rounded on the bottom and is available for friction fit and hook tip canes.

Unfortunately, I had to be out in wintery weather 4 of the 5 to 6 days that nasty sidewalk and road conditions lasted. On Wednesday afternoon, the snow started when I was up at OHSU, which sits atop a hill with steep roads that wind around the campus through the many buildings up there. At that time, I was just using my everyday use tip which is a roller ball tip. It’s slightly larger than a tennis ball and has a bearing where it connects to the end of my cane, so it spins. I was grateful I had made the decision to wear hiking boots that day instead of my usual cute city travel boots. When I made it home via the bus there was about a half inch of accumulation. Made for slightly slippery conditions.

Thursday morning, I had a doctor’s appointment I couldn’t miss. Having lived through many Portland snow/ice storms as a visually impaired person I was prepared. I put on my trusty hiking boots, my heavy-duty ice cleats, my parka and with my new Dakota disk I left an hour earlier than usual for my appointment. I know when the weather gets nasty fixed route will be on snow routes and running late, but I can still get anywhere I need to go. On my way to my doctor’s office, I experienced fresh powder where people hadn’t walked yet, compacted snow when crossing streets, ice at the transitions from street to sidewalk, fresh powder at the tall enough at the edge of sidewalks so I couldn’t tell where the street began. That day buses were still pulling up to the curb.

Friday was my errand day. I needed to get groceries, pick up prescriptions for one of my daughter’s and since I was in the neighborhood, pick up package from the PO Box. Yes, I did have help from a friend. Technical backpacks from an outdoor or backcountry store are awesome!! Lots of pockets for organization, padding at shoulders and waist, and exceptionally durable. This day was nastier because some of the snow and ice had melted in the sun. I encountered lots of ice that had a coating of water, thick slush on top of ice (it’s the only time I felt just a tiny amount of traction loss outside), wet bare pavement and tarmac, deep puddles, snow that froze solid overnight, buses that could no longer pull up to the curb so needed to traverse a 6 to 12 inch mounds of frozen snow to step down onto an icy street than to walk a few feet to the bus. Ice cleats for the win!! I also wore my cleats inside the grocery store, it was a sealed cement floor like you find at Costco. It was a tiny bit more slippery than the thick layer of slush atop ice, but still very manageable.

Saturday, I had my first PT appointment for my left shoulder. There wasn’t another appointment available for a month and a half. This time I encountered sidewalks that were a mix of un-melted ice, slush, and wet pavement all within a few steps of going outside. There were still mounds of ice to traverse to reach some of the buses depending on where you were in town. Some spots were slushy, some spots still had deep puddles.

All in all, I feel like I got to test the Dakota disk in thoroughly doing normal things in various conditions.

As a side note regarding the ice cleats I was wearing with a pair of hiking boots. I’ve worn this combo for many ice storms after trying several different pairs of snow boots and my hiking boots in combination with various other light weight snow cleats such as Yak Trax. The cleats I use now are attached to the bottom of a thick sole, it then has straps to Velcro over your shoes or boots and give a very stable and grippy walking experience over a mixture of conditions.

Pros of the Dakota Disk:

It doesn’t get stuck as easily in snow and ice, for the most part it floats over most surfaces being that is a 5" disc that looks like a spaceship at the end of your cane. I could still fold my cane with no difficulty. It is available in red or white. It’s hollow so if you struggle with tactile cues from your cane, it’s easier to hear the changes of texture beneath the disk. I found it easier to judge the depth of a puddle than I usually do with my tennis ball sized roller ball tip.

Cons for the Dakota Disk: it makes one heck of a racket on naked pavement and tarmac because it is a hollow disk shape, so it makes for a great sounding board. Because it’s such a great sounding board, if you are coping with hearing loss it can be harder to hear the noises around you. It’s really meant for surfaces with less friction than normal use. It is a thinner plastic so I would expect it to wear out quickly on pavement. It’s only available for hook tip canes, it’s put out by Ambutech.

Dakota Disk can be found at these places


Phone: +1 800 561–3340



Phone: 800–522–6294


In Red

In White

Independent Living

Phone: 800–537–2118

Link they only have it in red.


If you look for it on amazon you come up with a brand of disc for disc sports as in fancy schmancy sports Frisbee.

My favorite ice cleats can be found here, these are an updated version I haven’t tried but they look similar to what I currently have. You may hear something that says x-small, there is a button/link not labeled clearly that says select to select your size. The size chart is located in the pictures.


STABILicers Maxx 2 Heavy-Duty Traction Cleats for Job Safety in Ice and Snow

Growing A Salad Bowl Garden: Learn How to Grow Greens In A Pot

-Kat Rogers, Sight Loss Instructor

You will never have an excuse again not to have a fresh green salad if you grow a salad in a pot. It’s super easy, fast, and economical. Growing greens in containers also allows you to select the types you favor rather than settling for one of those supermarket mixes. Container grown salad greens are less expensive than purchasing those boutique baby greens. A salad bowl garden is really a win/win. Read on to find out how to grow greens in a pot.

Benefits of a Salad Bowl Garden

While supermarket selection is expanding all the time, there are still usually only a handful of greens available at the grocers. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. There are so many more greens to choose from and many of them are more colorful (i.e., not only more flavorful but higher in nutrition than store-bought greens).

It is easy to grow your own microgreens at a fraction of the cost. They can be harvested by just plucking the leaves instead of the whole plant. That means that you have a continual supply of fresh greens when growing them in containers. You should be able to enjoy three to four harvests from each plant, but you can also have a succession plant so that in another few weeks, you have another entirely new plant to harvest from.

By growing in pots, greens are less susceptible to being munched on by pests or afflicted with soil-borne diseases.

Container grown salad greens don’t require much space or even much effort. With a rapid return, most lettuces mature from seeding in about three weeks. This also makes it the perfect fun and educational project to work on with your less-than-patient kids.

How to Grow Greens in a Pot:

Today, there are hundreds of different cultivars of greens to choose from and, along with the lettuces, you may wish to grow other greens such as spinach, beet greens, kale, or Swiss chard. You may also wish to include some edible flowers or herbs to add pizzazz to your salads. Keep in mind that not every plant listed here has similar growing requirements. For instance, herbs are usually low-maintenance, drought-tolerant plants. They wouldn’t be included in your delicate greens but could be container grown alongside the salad bowl garden.

To grow salad in a pot, select a tray, pot, or window box that is at least 18 inches wide and 6 to 12 inches deep. Be sure that the container has adequate drainage holes in the bottom.

Fill the container with pre-moistened, good quality potting soil or one of your own makings. Sow the seeds densely with ½ inch between seeds. Keep the pot moist during germination and thereafter. Thin the plants when they are a few inches tall using a pair of scissors. You can then toss the thinning’s into a salad as microgreens.

When the plants are 4 to 6 inches tall, fertilize them with a soluble fertilizer at half strength. Plants can be harvested after a few weeks by cutting just the leaves you want.


Recipe of the Month

Asparagus and Dill Soup

Recipe found here: []


Time: 45min

Servings: 6

Yield: 6 servings


¾ cup chopped onion

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1 pound medium-thick asparagus, chopped

1½ stalks celery, chopped

1 baking potato

4 cups vegetable stock or water

1 cup dry white wine

¼ cup chopped fresh dill

Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Dill sprigs for garnish



Step 1. Place the onion in a heavy three- quart saucepan. Stir in the oil, cover tightly, and cook over low heat 10 minutes, until the onion is soft but not brown.


Step 2. Stir in the asparagus, celery, and potato, cook for about a minute, then add the stock, wine, and dill. Simmer, partly covered, about 30 minutes, until the vegetables are very tender.


Step 3. Allow the mixture to cool briefly, then puree in a blender or a food processor. You may have to do this in two batches. Put the soup through a sieve into a clean saucepan.


Step 4. To serve, reheat the soup and season it to taste with salt and pepper. Spoon it into six warm soup plates. Float a few sprigs of dill on each as a garnish.


Desirée’s Notes: To turn this into a cold creamy soup, substitute half of the stock with cream, leave out the potato and add a little bit more dill and pepper, continue the recipe per the instructions. The thing with a cold dish is you can’t taste as much when something is cold so you need to make the flavors slightly stronger than you would compared to something warm. I’d wait to add more salt if needed until after it’s chilled. Over salted soup isn’t tasty. The other thing that might be lovely in this is a hint of lemon. I’d add a little bit when you add the wine.

Membership Zoom Meeting

Hull Foundation and learning Center is hosting an online zoom meeting for all members on April 13th at 6:00pm PT. Come ready to voice your ideas and thoughts for the future of the Hull Foundation and Learning Center. We want to hear your opinions! This is a members only zoom call. Members will receive an email a week prior to the event as well as the morning of with the zoom link. Call the office if you are uncertain of your membership status. 503.668.6195



Upcoming events at the Hull Foundation

-Spring Fling – April 4th – 7th

-Members Only Zoom meeting – April 13th

-One Day Fun Day: Banff Film Festival, Audio Described – April 15th

-Sighted Spouses Sight Loss Seminar –

April 19th – 21st

-Murder Mystery Fundraiser – April 30th

-One Day Fun Day: A trip to Portland Rose Garden – May 10th

-Friends and Alumni – June 13th – 17th Registration is open!

If you are interested in any of our Recreational Getaway Events, One Day Events, Seminars and Retreats, please contact our office and get signed up! The spots can fill up very quickly, so jump in with both feet, save your spot and come out to Hull Park in 2023!

Hull Foundation Presents Zoom Meetings

April Zoom meetings will include topics on cooking, crafting, book club and a class on forgetfulness that has been very popular. If you are interested, please join us. Bring a friend or spouse, sighted or not!! If you would like to sign up to receive a weekly email with the Zoom schedule for the week and the links to the meetings, please email the office at or call us at 503–668–6195. If you are not an email user, then you can call us on Mondays to receive the call-in number and Meeting ID number for meetings you are interested in attending via phone.



Tuesday, April 4th 10am-11am PST

Tech Class with Marty and Michael

[Tuesday, April 4th 7pm-8pm PST]

Chat Cafe


Wednesday, April 5th 1pm-2pm PST

Tell Us Your Story

Wednesday, April 5th 6pm-7pm PST

Try it Out with Lyn Lindburg

Thursday, April 6th 10am-11am PST

Food, Beyond the Recipe

[Thursday, April 6th 1pm-2pm]

Sight and Hearing Loss, A Group Chat

[Friday, April 7th 6pm-7pm PST]

First Friday with Family and Friends


Tuesday, April 11th 10–11am PST

Tech Class with Marty and Michael

[Tuesday, April 11th 1–2pm PST]

Reading in the Dark Book Club

Tuesday, April 11th 7–8pm PST

Chat Café

Wednesday, April 12th 6:30–8pm PST

How Are You Doing and How Are You Dealing?

[Thursday, April 13th 10–11:30am PST]

Crafting with Desiree

Thursday, April 13th 1–2pm PST

Forgetfulness Tips and Tricks

Thursday, April 13th 6–7pm PST

Way Around Tags, a Quick and Easy System to Identify Almost Everything




Tuesday, April 18th 10am-11am PST

Tech Class with Marty and Michael

Tuesday, April 18th 7pm-8pm PST

Chat Café


Wednesday, April 19th 1pm-2pm PST

But Just Reading Is Not Enough!


Thursday, April 20th 10am-11am PST

Wardrobe Solutions

[Thursday, April 20th 1pm-2pm PST]

Sight and Hearing Loss, a Group Chat

[Thursday, April 20th 6pm-7pm]

Navigating Social Situations

[Week 4]{.underline}

[Tuesday, April 25th 10–11am PST]{.underline}

Tech Class with Marty and Michael

[Tuesday, April 25th 1pm-2pm PST]{.underline}

Reading in the Dark Book Club

[Tuesday, April 25th 7pm-8pm PST]{.underline}

Chat Café

[Thursday, April 27th 1pm-2pm PST]{.underline}

Utilizing Your Remaining Sight






Jokes to Keep you Laughing…or Groaning!

Q. Why is my bicycle always on its rest?
A. It’s two-tired to ride.

Q. Why are frogs so happy?
A. They eat whatever bugs them.

Q. All Spring long it rains cats & dogs, but when does it rain monkeys?

A. APE-ril!!

Q. How can you tell old rabbits from young bunnies?

A. They’re long in the tooth & all gray


Stay well, stay safe, and stay happy!

[Contact Us:]{.underline}

The Hull Foundation Family
Phone: 503–668–6195



Visit us on Facebook at:

On Instagram:

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