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Sight Loss Monthly April 2021

A Flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it, it just Blooms!
     – Zen Shin
April, 2021

The Hull Foundation’s                                                         

Sight Loss         
Monthly News


“The publishing of this newsletter is a service of The Oral Hull Foundation for the Blind and is not an endorsement of any of its contents.   All products, items and other information may be used at the sole discretion of the reader.”

Editors, Hull Foundation Staff


Mission Statement …p. 2

A Message from the Board President …p. 3

Walk Across CANADA …p. 6

Tip of the Month:
A Trip to your Eye Doctor …p. 8

Gadget of the Month:
Large Print Keyboard …p. 11

Reading in the Dark Book Club …p. 12

Hull Foundation Presents Zoom Meeting
April Zoom Schedule…p. 14

About Hull Park…p. 18

Jokes to Keep Us Laughing …p. 20

Our Mission Statement:

The mission of the Oral Hull Foundation for the Blind is to provide programs, facilities and services including social, educational, and recreational activities for people who are blind and visually impaired.

“Keeping Hope & Dreams Alive!”

*If you would prefer to receive this newsletter by email, or to unsubscribe, please call the Hull Foundation at 503.668.6195 or send an email to:  Address: PO Box 157, Sandy, OR 97055, 43233 SE Oral Hull Road, Sandy, OR 97055

A message from the President of our Board of Directors – Jeannemarie Moore:

I am hoping you will be as excited as I am to see April’s virtual Zoom classes that have been added to this newsletter.  Anyone from anywhere can attend, as long as English is an understandable language! I feel so excited about this because it will broaden our scope and I’m guessing reach a lot of people! Sharon and the Sight Loss Instructors are doing their usual great job of notifying senior centers and activities directors. Please feel free to share this exciting information.  We encourage our sight loss friends to invite their sighted friends and family.

As a new board member, and since becoming president, I’ve heard folks talk about some challenges on the sight loss journey. I found out, for example, that if I spear a cooked carrot with my fork at a 90-degree position, I can do it every time.

Though I cannot imagine losing my sight, because that happened very early in an oxygenated incubator, I have made it my project to think about what it would be like to go through such a life changing experience. Life changing experiences, I think and feel, help us expand and enhance our growth depending on how they are viewed and integrated. That is where my breathing into the heart comes from: my intuitive self provides answers I would not have had otherwise.

As a cancer survivor and as someone who has recovered from many surgeries, it’s important to me that you know I’m writing as a peer, feeling like we can go much further working together and listening to our inner selves as well as our logical brains.

I tell my clients to say to themselves:

“I have always done the best I could do with the education, resources and training I had at the time.”

I think this is true of all of us and through the mistakes I make and the feedback I receive, I say this to myself often.

Keep on moving forward and enjoy the freshness of April!   

Walk Across the Canada

Our Walk Across Canada has been anything but dull! We are closing in on our 30th day walking across this diverse and beautiful country, virtually.

Kat, our guide, has taken us on dog sleds, snow mobiles, snowshoes, and kayaks.  With some added “fairy dust” we have managed to see icebergs, seals, and whales (some of the whales even spoke to us and gave us rides).
We continue to meet delightful local people who are happy to share their history, shops, hotels and more with us.  It’s not to late to join us on our next 30-day trek to new places. Remember, it’s all about staying active and moving!   A “mile” is equal to 20 minutes of any activity. We also ask walkers to find sponsors (for any amount) to help support our non-profit and the loss of income due to the pandemic.  This has helped to keep our doors open! 

Please feel free to invite family and friends to walk with us! The more the merrier!

If you need additional information or want to sign up, please call the office with your questions, comments, and sponsorship information.  We accept credit cards either via phone or on our website, at  All are invited and no one is turned away because sponsorships are not available to you. See you soon!

Tip of the Month: A Trip to Your Eye Doctor

Preparing is the first step.
-The day before, check and finalize your list of questions, be sure to check your ongoing list if you have one.

-Plan transportation, whether for a local appointment or out of town.
-Do I want/need an advocate? How will Covid affect this?  Take a friend or family member.

-Bring recording devices, phone apps or small handheld recorders. Recording the visit allows you to listen again to the conversation. Let staff know you are recording. Make sure you ask for a copy of the visit summary.

Appointment Day!

If you are having a comprehensive eye exam you should expect to have your eyes dilated which will take some time. Plan to take comfort items with you; water, snacks, gum/cough drops, reading materials (remember earphones or ear buds if you are an audio reader), a phone charger and sunglasses to protect your eyes, even if it is cloudy.

 If you have an optical department at your clinic and you wear glasses, do you want to have them checked? Maybe your frames are not sitting on your face right. Ask to check for any loose screws.  Plan extra time for getting this done at the conclusion of your appointment. You’ll be glad you took the time to get your eyeglasses checked!

This is a helpful article from VisionAware. It has excellent suggestions for preparing for a visit and communication tips and tools. Find it at:

After Your Visit/Debriefing

Do you need to schedule another appointment with the provider you saw or with a different doctor?

Go back over what you and your advocate heard during the visit. This is often when your “running list” starts as you think of questions you should have asked.

Gadget of the Month:    Large Print Keyboard

This keyboard is great for people with sight loss who may struggle to type on the touch screen of a laptop or stand-alone computer keyboard.  It typically has large black keys on a high contrast yellow background, and there is no need for keyboard stickers. Plus, the keys on this keyboard never fade which means you never have to purchase replacement keyboard stickers.  If you are interested in purchasing a large print keyboard, they are available at Amazon, Walmart, MaxiAids and a dozen more stores for $25 and up.  

“Reading in the Dark” Book Club

When:  Tuesdays, April 13th and 27th at 10:00am.

In March we read “The Dutch House” by Ann Patchett DB 96739, and Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage murders and birth of the FBI by David Grann DB 87767.

Summaries- Dutch House, Cyril Conroy lifts his family out of poverty. His first order of business is to buy the lavish Dutch House. But this purchase brings only heartache to his loved ones–including children Danny and Maeve.

Killers of the Flower Moon, An examination of the 1920s murders of wealthy Osage Indian Nation members in Oklahoma. When the newly formed FBI bungled the investigation, young Director Hoover turned to ex-Texas Ranger Tom White, who put together an undercover team, including one of the only American Indian agents in the Bureau.

The Chosen book for April 13 is Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah.

Firefly Lane DB66232


Childhood friends Kate and Tully begin work at a Seattle television station after college. Tully is determined to become a successful anchorwoman, while Kate is content to marry and have kids. Tully’s later betrayal destroys their friendship–until tragedy strikes.

There is a sequel (which is optional) for those who would like to read the next book.  It is “Fly Away.”

Fly away DB76664

The book for April 27 has yet to be decided.  

Join us for a fun hour and a half of discussion and comradery!  We also talk about other book suggestions. Come prepared to have fun and get new ideas for great books to read!  All Bard friendly! 

Hull Foundation Presents Zoom Meetings

Our April Zoom topics have something for everyone and are full of interesting topics that can assist you in your everyday life.  We encourage you to sign up for all that piques your interest.  Bring a friend or spouse!  Sighted or not!! If you see a topic (or all) that you are interested in, be sure to contact the office via email or phone at 503-668-6195 to say you are attending.  Sometimes we will send out “supplies” for classes and we need plenty of time to get items to you.  Also, when attending, remember to log on 5-15 minutes early as we close the class 5 minutes after it starts.

April Zoom schedule:

Tuesday 4/6/21     10am-11am
Android Phone- class 4

Tuesday 4/6/21     1pm-2pm    
Fiber Arts- Modified for Sight Loss

Wednesday 4/7/21     10am-11am
Hospital, Skilled Nursing, and Rehab Stays

Wednesday 4/7/21 1pm-2pm               Smart TVs- How Smart are They?

Thursday    4/8/21     10am-11am
Group Chat- RP Sight/Hearing Loss

Thursday 4/8/21 1pm-2pm                Group Chat- Poetry can Soothe the Savage Beast!

Tuesday 4/13/21   10am-11:30am
“Reading in the Dark” Book Club      

Tuesday 4/13/21   1pm-2pm   
Pet Care- Dogs, Cats, Chickens, and Rocks!

Wednesday 4/14/21   10am-11am
iPhone Tips and Tricks- class 1

Wednesday 4/14/21   1pm-2pm    
When you Can Do it Yourself- Basic Household Repairs and When to Call a Specialist

Thursday     4/15/21 10am-11am                       Group Chat- Macular Degeneration

Thursday    4/15/21   1pm-2pm    
Group Chat – A Favorite Memory as a Kid

Tuesday 4/20/21   10am-11am
First Aid- Burns, Scrapes, and Falls 

Tuesday 4/20/21   1pm-2pm
The Artist in You- Ways to Maintain your Art and Crafting

Wednesday 4/21/21   10am-11am
Be My Eyes, Seeing AI, and other Assistance Programs

Wednesday 4/21/21   1pm-2pm    
iPhone Tips and Tricks- class 2

Thursday    4/22/21   1pm-2pm    
Group Chat – What’s your Secret to Staying Active?

Tuesday 4/27/21   10am-11:30am
“Reading in the Dark” Book Club      

Tuesday 4/27/21   1pm-2pm    
Facial Vision and Ecolocation

Wednesday 4/28/21   10am-11am
iPhone Tips and Tricks- class 3

Wednesday 4/28/21   1pm-2pm               Grow your Own Veggies and Flowers

Thursday 4/29/21   1pm-2pm
Group Chat- Special Celebrations

Remember to keep in mind that you will need to contact our office to confirm which (or all) meetings you want to attend. The Zoom meeting will be closed at 5 minutes after the meeting starts.

About Hull Park –

The Oral Hull Foundation for the Blind is located in Sandy, Oregon on 22 acres at the foot of the Mt. Hood National Forest.  Among many features of the park, one of the favorites for our blind and sight loss guests is our “fishpond”.  It is stocked with trout and you are welcome to catch and release fish while attending any of our on-site events.  The fish shack is stocked with fishing poles and other equipment, so no need to bring your own.  Registration is required.  Please call our office for more details at 503-668-6195.

And on the subject of fish…here are some fish jokes to end our April Sight Loss Monthly newsletter.  Enjoy!

Jokes to Keep you Laughing…or Groaning!

1. Where do fish keep their money?

In the riverbank.

2. What do you call a fish with no eyes?


3. What’s the easiest way to catch fish?

Have someone throw it at you.

4. Why are dolphins cleverer than humans?

Within 3 hours they can train a man to stand at the side of a pool and feed them fish!

5. Where are most fish found?

Between the head and the tail!

6. What do you get from a bad-tempered shark?

As far away as possible!

Stay well, stay safe, stay happy!

The Hull Foundation Family